Answering The Key Questions Surrounding Venus Freeze Treatment

Each year, our bodies gradually produce less collagen, which often leads to a decline in skin elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles, and sagging skin.


The good news is that there’s something you can do about it, and it doesn’t involve going under the knife. Venus Freeze uses advanced technology to diminish fine line and wrinkles, firm up sagging skin, and restore a more youthful-looking appearance without surgery or downtime. Interested in learning more? See below for the most commonly asked questions about Venus Freeze.


How do I know if I’m a candidate for this treatment?

Venus Freeze Radiofrequency treatments are for anyone who is starting to see a decline in skin elasticity or early signs of sagging and wrinkles. However, there are some additional considerations to be noted. For safety reasons, anyone who falls under the following points may not be suitable for Venus Freeze, if you feel this may include you we can discuss this during an initial phone or email conversation:

  • Active inflammation and/or infection in the treatment area
  • Current or previous cancer diagnosis
  • Degenerative neurologic disease or any other disease around the treatment area that’s triggered by heat (e.g. herpes)
  • Internal defibrillator/pacemaker
  • Metal implants (excluding dental) in the treatment area
  • Uncontrolled thyroid gland disorder
  • Varicose veins
  • Pregnant or are undergoing an IVF procedure
  • Skin-related autoimmune disease
  • Silicone implants and/or injections in the area


Is the treatment safe?

Absolutely! Venus Freeze is powered by radio frequency technology, which is proven to be safe and effective for all skin tones, including darker complexions. Venus Freeze also uses Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields, a technology that has been used in medicine for decades, and includes various safety features to make the treatment as safe and comfortable as possible for clients.


How long does each treatment session last?

With each session lasting approximately 15 to 30 minutes depending on the size of the treatment area, they can easily be completed during a lunch break, before or after work, or anytime! You’ll find that Venus Freeze treatments can easily fit into your busy schedule.


Does the treatment hurt?

During the treatment the sensation is of warmth similar to a hot stone massage with most clients finding it extremely relaxing, some even falling asleep! The desired temperature to be reached and maintained throughout the treatment, for best results, can be set to ensure the clients comfort at all times.


How long does it take to see results? How long will the results last?

Most clients receive six to eight treatments per area, though the exact number will depend on the area being treated. Treatments are spaced one week apart. Following the final session results will continue to improve for up to three months. Booster sessions are recommended every one to three months to maintain the results whilst boosting collagen production and skin tightening further.


Is there any downtime?

There is absolutely no downtime! The area treated may appear a little flushed and warm to the touch, but these sensations will disappear one to two hours after each treatment. Nothing needs to be done after each session. Clients can go about their usual routines and they can even apply makeup immediately following a facial treatment.


What Are The Benefits?

If you are unsure what to expect from your Venus Freeze treatment, do not worry! Venus Freeze’s revolutionary technology combines Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Magnetic Fields to deliver safe anti-ageing skin treatments which require no downtime. The treatment is both harmless and completely safe and regualted.

Venus Freeze is a non-surgical ‘face-lift’ which smoothes fine lines and wrinkles, and tightens skin. Its powerful cell stimulation promotes an instant glow, making the skin look plump and healthy. Venus Freeze, which is FDA approved, combines radio frequency with pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate the collagen within the dermis and subcutaneous fat. Pulsed Magnetic Fields technology has been used in traditional medicine for decades.

After a thorough consultation, the skin is gently cleansed and a glycerin gel applied to allow the hand piece to effortlessly glide over the skin. You’ll experience a gentle warm sensation on the skin which many clients find very relaxing. Other benefits include:

  • Prevents fine lines and wrinkles
  • Suitable for everyone regardless of skin type or age
  • Ideal for reducing cellulite, circumference and body contouring
  • Improvement of skin tone and texture, whilst creating a more defined silhouette

Immediately following your Venus Freeze body treatment it’s important to exercise and drink plenty of water to speed up results and flush out toxins. As with any non-surgical body treatment Venus Freeze should not be seen as a quick fix treatment and should form part of a healthy balanced life style. Make sure to contact us or book your appointment today using the link.